Noggin Wiki

Zee's Bookshelf is a package series that aired during commercial breaks on Noggin. It is a wide assortment of clips, including scenes from Noggin shows and short-form series such as Ebb and Flo.

Like the opening and ending animations, the segments were mostly newly-made footage, with only few segments coming from Noggin shows.


  • Ebb and Flo
  • New Socks


In the opening, Zee is seen on her tree branch and flies off and goes over letters that look like cars and he goes to man riding a car that looks like the letter P and Zee goes to a boy with the letter H body and gets all the way to a book and the logo appears over him and Moose A. Moose welcomes to Zee's Bookshelf featuring Ebb and Flo and New Socks

In the closing, the Noggin logo with the Noggin logo with a link to appears and Zee flies over to her book and Moose A. Moose announces hope you had fun during Zee's Bookshelf featuring Ebb and Flo and New Socks, log onto and for me


The segments aired on Noggin from November 14, 2005 to April 1, 2009.


Package series
Sesame Street Unpaved123 Sesame Street
Brain FoodDeja NogginLetter and Number SoupOut of Your MindNoggin BoogieNoggin GoldNoggin's NeighborsNoggin's ThoughtsSesame Street HitsYour Noggin's ChoiceStory TimeMove to the MusicArt AliveCritter CornerField TripShow and TellSnack TimeLet's Do MathGetting GoingSleep Tight