Noggin Wiki

Square One Television is a sketch comedy series produced by Sesame Workshop. Because Sesame Workshop co-owned Noggin when the channel was launched, it aired a variety of shows from its archive library on Noggin, including reruns of Square One.

The show aired on Noggin regularly from February 1999 until March 2002. Three sketches from Square One were also isolated and featured as part of Noggin's Phred on Your Head Show. These were Dirk Niblick, Mathnet, and Zook & Allison.

Square One moved to an early-morning timeslot after the April 2002 rebrand and aired as part of Cable in the Classroom through 2003.


The show presents a variety of comedy skits designed to teach mathematics and abstract math concepts to young viewers.

Summary from Square One TV presents math with an entertaining and wacky twist. Featuring game shows, comedy sketches, music videos, and animation. Square One TV shows you fun ways to solve everyday problems - using math. Each episode ends with a chapter of Mathnet, the continuing detective drama starring ace mathematicians Kate Monday, Pat Tuesday, and George Frankly. For more Square One, visit
