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Sesame Street Unpaved is a series containing "older" select Sesame Street episodes from its first 20 seasons, created specially by and for Noggin.

The package started off with a brand-new, exclusive TV special. The special was hosted by the human cast of Sesame Street and marked the first time Noggin created its own original content with them. The package also features a live-action opening sequence, showing Muppets and the Noggin logo around New York City. The TV special and opening sequence were both co-created by Noggin with Nickelodeon.

Noggin aired the Unpaved package from February 1999 until March 2002. Segments from the package were included in many episodes of Noggin's Phred on Your Head Show.


Summary from Come and meet the new people in the neighborhood! Just around the corner lots of new friends have joined Sesame Street. There's Ruthie, owner of Finder's Keepers thrift shop, Celina, a dance instructor, and Lillian, director of the day care center.

Since first airing in 1969, Sesame Street has been the most widely watched preschool television series in the world. Big Bird, Elmo, Bert and Ernie are just some of the household names that have educated and entertained millions of kids, and their parents, in 37 countries. For more Sesame St., visit


The segments aired during Phred include "Sesame Street Creature Feature."


Package series
Sesame Street Unpaved123 Sesame Street
Brain FoodDeja NogginLetter and Number SoupOut of Your MindNoggin BoogieNoggin GoldNoggin's NeighborsNoggin's ThoughtsSesame Street HitsYour Noggin's ChoiceStory TimeMove to the MusicArt AliveCritter CornerField TripShow and TellSnack TimeLet's Do MathGetting GoingSleep Tight


Original series on Noggin
Daytime block
Sesame Street Unpaved123 Sesame StreetPhred on Your Head ShowA Walk in Your Shoes (seasons 1–2) • OobiCitizen PhoebeMaisy (US) • Big KidsOn the TeamThe URL with Phred ShowSponk!Tiny Planets (US) • Story TimePlay with Me SesameTweenies (US) • Miffy and Friends (US) • Connie the Cow (US) • Jack's Big Music ShowPinky Dinky Doo (US/UK) • The Upside Down Show
The N block
A Walk in Your Shoes (season 3) • Out ThereLOL with The NGirls v. BoysO'GradyMiracle's BoysSouth of NowhereWhat Goes On
Streaming app
Yoga FriendsSchool of YumKinderwoodNoggin KnowsThe NogginsBalloon Builders