- For a gallery of the different Noggin logos used throughout its history, see this page!
The Noggin Logo, also known as the Noggin Face or just Noggin, is the most iconic element of the Noggin brand. It was used for the Noggin channel throughout its entire run. It was also used for Noggin.com and the Noggin mobile app until 2019, when the logo was discontinued after 20 years. Since 2019, the logo has been a purple "noggin" wordmark in lowercase letters.
The logo was designed by Big Blue Dot in Watertown, Massachusetts. The first sketches of the logo were by Mark S. Fisher.
The original Noggin logo has three parts. There is always a smiling face at the bottom and a bar with the word "NOGGIN" in the middle. The top element changes into an endless variety of different symbols to represent what the head is thinking about. There were hundreds of these symbols, called "toppers," made for the brand.
The Noggin logo appeared in a huge amount of original animations, commercials, and network IDs for the channel. It was often animated as a character of its own, interacting with things and reacting to its different topper symbols.
Noggin describes the logo as:
- "This logo represents the ever-changing brainstorm in the mind of "everykid." It can be a beehive, o mountain, o pocket watch, or a science experiment. The dot in the "o" is an eye. While this may not be immediately apparent (and that's all right), the eye will be obvious as soon as people see its animated wink."
The original Noggin logo has three parts. There is always a smiling face at the bottom and a bar with the word "NOGGIN" in the middle. The top element changes into an endless variety of different symbols to represent what the head is thinking about. There were hundreds of these symbols, called "toppers," made for the brand.
The logo appeared in a huge amount of original animations, commercials, and network IDs for the channel. It was often animated as a character of its own, interacting with things and reacting to its different topper symbols.
2019 app logo[]
When Nickelodeon launched the Noggin mobile app in 2015, it brought back the original three-part logo. The logo appeared all throughout the app and in different promotions from 2015 to 2019. However, on June 14, 2019, the app was redesigned and the logo was replaced. The app's new logo is a purple wordmark, reading "noggin" in lowercase.
Since the 2019 logo is only used for the app and was never used during the run of the Noggin TV channel, it's not considered the primary logo.
- The logo is similar to Nickelodeon's older splat logo. Both logos were "flexible" and changed into a wide variety of symbols to represent different things.
- According to a Kidscreen article from 1999, there were a few scrapped ideas for a logo before the face was chosen. One of these was a gloved hand snapping its fingers.