Noggin Wiki

Nick News is an educational news show produced by Nickelodeon. It was one of many shows from Nickelodeon's archive library that aired in reruns on Noggin.

Because the show was only played in reruns, some of the segments were outdated. Noggin's bumpers for the show explained this: "Nick News is not the newest news, but it does have cool topics, interesting people, and nogginy stories."


The show aired on Noggin's daytime block back when it was aimed at older kids and tweens. It first aired on the same day that Noggin launched: February 2, 1999. It continued to air until March 31, 2002.


The show was hosted by Linda Ellerbee throughout its original run. Noggin's website described the show:

"Do you ever wonder how kids just like you can affect the world? That's what Nick News is all about, regular kids who make a difference. In each show, journalist Linda Ellerbee encourages kids to look at the world around them and ask five important questions, 'Who, What, Where, When and Why?' Nick News uncovers issues kids care about. For more Nick News, visit"




Noggin - Nick News Bumper (1999)

Bumper for the show

