Noggin Wiki

"Music Makes Me" is a Moose and Zee song that aired in between shows during music-themed months on Noggin. In the song, Moose sings about how he listens to music when he's down and what it makes him feel and do.


  • Moose (SPOKEN): When i'm feeling down or blue... When i don't what to do. There's a WON-derful way, I find to lift my spirits, and pass the time. I make music, yes'iree but that's nothing compared To what music makes me.
  • Moose (SINGS): Music make me swirl and swing, Music makes me sing, sing, sing! Music makes me twirl and sway, Music makes me shout "OLE!" Music makes me take a chance, Music makes me dance, dance, dance! Music makes me want to hum, Music makes me have to drum! Music makes me stomp my feet, Music makes me keep the beat, Music means I can't be mute, Music makes me, toot toot toot! (ENERGY ACCELERATES) Music makes me la-la-la, Music makes me cha-cha-cha! Music makes me do the hula, Music gets me in the ole medulla! Music shakes me, wakes me, quakes me, Music simply overtakes me, Music made me sing this song...
  • Moose (Spoken, Hushed): Music put me in this sarong, oh my...